
Impressive jumbo cargo drone lifts off, aces hover test in new video

Impressive jumbo cargo drone lifts off, aces hover test in new video
The Nuuva 3000 gets airborne for the first time
The Nuuva 3000 gets airborne for the first time
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The Nuuva 3000 gets airborne for the first time
The Nuuva 3000 gets airborne for the first time

Hybrid-electric aircraft maker Pipistrel just pushed its Nuuva V300 electric vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) craft through a major milestone. In the video below you can see it break the chains of gravity and hover midair in a first for the vehicle.

Most of the work that's been done in the development of VTOL craft has been in the passenger and personal flight sector. With the first fully certified eVTOL cleared for commercial air taxi work, the announcement that Pivotal Helix was set to begin shipping its single-seat electric VTOL last summer, and CycloTech announcing that it plans to test a new electric VTOL propulsion system this year in its BlackBird flying car, it won't be much longer before eVTOLs can whisk us Jetson-like from work to home or holiday.

Meanwhile, since winning NASA's Green Flight Challenge way back in 2011, Slovenian aircraft maker Pipstrel has been steadily developing hybrid and electric craft. In 2022, the company's Velis Electro became the world's first electric plane to be awarded type certification by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency. And now, the company has reached another milestone as its Nuuva V300 hybrid-electric VTOL has successfully completed its first hover test, as you can see in the following video.

Nuuva V300 Takes Off with Successful First Flight

First announced in 2020, the Nuuva V300 steps away from the passenger VTOL, into the realm of long-distance cargo carrying. According to Pipistrel, the craft is designed to carry payloads of 600 lb (272 kg) up to distances of 300 nautical miles (555.6 km) using its combo electric/gas powertrain. Its cargo can be loaded through the lift-up nose and can be distributed over about 100 cubic feet (2.8 cubic meters) of storage area inside. The craft operates autonomously, although it is overseen by a ground-control operator.

“We are thrilled to witness the Nuuva V300’s first flight, a demonstration of our leadership in emerging technology and advanced air mobility, as well as our commitment to multi-purpose aviation solutions,” shared Kriya Shortt, President & CEO of Textron eAviation, the company responsible for the command and control systems. “The Nuuva V300’s unique capabilities and robust design will not only transform logistics but also play a crucial role in commercial and defense missions such as search and rescue, humanitarian aid, disaster relief and ship-to-shore deliveries.”

Pipistrel says that it will be releasing another Nuuva V300 later this year to test alongside its first model.

Source: Pipistrel

Excellent. Let's get this sector up and running ! The world for EVTOL'S is there for the taking !
Chuck Cronin
The speed of newer and better in beyond what I imaged it would be in this sector.
Why did no one mention horizontal flight propulsion? It has NONE but does have a chopped-off rear fuselage where a pusher engine and prop would go. Even the 2 lift rails have chopped rear ends maybe for more pushers? The lack of their weight in the test seems a poor demo of lift. Of course that added weight is a waste in VTOL phases while lift props are added drag and weight in cruise.