Good Thinking

Vote now: The New Atlas Band Name of the Year Awards

Vote now: The New Atlas Band Name of the Year Awards
Band Name of the Year voting is now open!
Band Name of the Year voting is now open!
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Band Name of the Year voting is now open!
Band Name of the Year voting is now open!
Note: trophy and/or orchestra may not exist
Note: trophy and/or orchestra may not exist

In morning meetings and Slack messages between the New Atlas team, sometimes a phrase is mentioned that simply begs to become a band name. Here's your chance to vote on the best of the best!

Last year, a "Band Name of the Day" (#bnotd) initiative was championed by our own Bronwyn Thompson – who certainly knows a good band name when she sees one, having spent many years as a contributor and deputy editor for Rolling Stone Australia.

Throughout the year, we've collected a list of candidates, chiefly to amuse ourselves, with little discussion about what we should do with them. But now it has become clear: it's time for an international vote to determine the winning names. And we invite you, dear readers, to participate.

What makes a great #bnotd? In my personal opinion, generally they just sound a bit rude. But it's entirely open to interpretation. Vote with your heart, vote with your head... Vote with any body part that's got strong feelings on the issue.

Note: trophy and/or orchestra may not exist
Note: trophy and/or orchestra may not exist

We make the following commitment: once the winners become clear, we shall marshall the dark forces of generative AI to create album covers for the best ones, and publish a story on the official New Atlas Band Name(s) of the Year.

I also personally make the following half-commitment: if – IF – I ever get around to finishing some of the songs I'm working on, I'll release them on streaming services under a band name taken from the top five determined by this vote.

Game on!

Extra points to anyone that can figure out which stories these phrases were related to throughout the last year... Points are redeemable through all participating outlets*.

If you notice any other #bnotd contenders, taken directly from words published on, please feel free to put a #bnotd or #bnoty comment on that story, calling out the phrase in question, and we'll get those into the voting next time.

And feel free to let us know of candidates from your own life in the comments section below. Have fun!

*No outlets are currently participating.

Snot Contest. Meat Hammer. That might be taken...
Faceless Henderson & The Backyard Needle Eaters
Rusty & The Thrusters
Steve Jones
Wait, this is a vote? I thought it was a festival line-up.
Decades ago, during the heyday of FM radio and Monty Python, my band name was gonna' be "Never Five Minutes".
I can't name a band without listening to them. Is that possible?